Accessing Your Higher Self

Your Higher Self is a perfect being made of light and love; it’s you, the ideal version of you. It is  the self beyond the ego and the essence of who you truly are.The Higher Self is the highest aspect of you that can be attained and held in the physical body. It is the part of you that knows, sees, and understands at the highest level possible, while the physical part of you still continues to move around here on Earth.When you are in tune with your Higher Self, you become more loving and sensitive to your own and others' needs. You fulfill your life's purpose and express your greatest creativity. When people speak about their higher selves they are referring to the knowing or awakened aspects of themselves. It is through your higher self, your total soul consciousness that deepest truths and hidden knowledge is accessed. 

Every man is a divinity in disguise, a god playing the fool.”Ralph Waldo Emerson

 Have You Met Your Higher Self? When you ask for help or guidance from your higher self, you are truly taking a giant Self-Help step. It is your connection to your unconscious. The higher self is the part of you that has not been wounded by judgements or limiting beliefs nor is it a reflection of your wishes or expectations; although your higher self can assist you by clearing a pathway so you can attain your dreams faster or more easily. 


When you are able to quiet the busy mind and connect more with your being-ness, you’ll be better able to communicate with your Higher Self and intuition.Answers will suddenly come to you like gifts from the Universe instead of trying to figure out solutions to problems with your thinking mind.You’ll allow yourself to be lead by what has your best interest at heart, your Higher Self. 

Here are some Joyful steps to accessing your higher self:

– Practice Forgiveness:

Forgive yourself and others and release the past. Those you don’t forgive will be energetically bound to you and keep you in your lower self, the ego. So let all past pain and hurt go.

-Practice of Gratitude

Use healing practices to clear anything that might be blocking your connection to your Higher Self. When joy and gratitude and creative energy fill your heart, that is, when you feel good, your alignment with Spirit is healthy and strong.

– Recognize and remove any limiting beliefs:

We all pick up limiting beliefs somewhere; the false beliefs along our journey that keep us from being our best. These limiting beliefs can even cause you pain and suffering. Try to look at all the things you believe in and find out why you have that belief.

– Build Positive Momentum:

Building positive momentum is very essential on the spiritual path. Focus everyday on one positive momentum step you would like to work on and commit to it throughout your day. Use powerful resonant mantra's and recite them daily. 

-Listen To Podcasts For A Positive Mindset:

Podcasts are having a bit of a moment right now. They’re the perfect tool for learning about new topics, having a good belly laugh, and getting caught up with what’s going on in the world – all while you’re washing the dishes, driving to work or running on the treadmill.You can research positive podcasts that feel most resonant and download them in advance to have them accessible whenever you notice yourself beginning to feel down or disconnected from your higher self.

– Meditation:

To be aligned on the spiritual path, meditation is essential.To access your higher self, it’s important to try to keep the mind still through meditation and connect with your being-ness. In that inner quiet place you can learn to listen to the small voice within, your intuition – the voice of the Higher-self.Meditation also opens the door to higher perception, unleashing the perfect wisdom you have in your heart. So quiet your mind, and allow your innate inner wisdom to flow.  

-Use your Intuition

You have a channel of communication always available. Be open to the messages of Spirit. Use meditation to quiet your mind. Ask for what you need to know and be ready to receive.  Invite the Divine to enter your life each day. Use healing practices to clear anything that might be blocking your connection to your Higher Self. When joy and gratitude and creative energy fill your heart, that is, when you feel good, your alignment with Spirit is healthy and strong. Images by Nihura Monteil 

~If you would like to dive deeper and work on accessing your Higher Self with me, please schedule a 1:1 Joyful Alchemy session HERE 



Self Acceptance, the Pathway to Self Love.


Chiron Is...the journey of healing and our most authentic guide.