Understanding Archetypes and The Athlete Archetype

Our archetypes are patterns of power that reside in each of us uniquely and categorize our personality traits. By discovering which archetype we are, we can uncover a world of possibilities that allow us to utilize our strengths, and help improve our weaknesses.Originating in Plato and popularized by the work of analytical psychologist Carl Jung, archetype theory offers a way of understanding the main human motivations in society. Jung believed that we all internalize universal, mythical characters that represent fundamental, common experiences. When you are aware of the archetype most strongly at play in your own mind, you can gain new self-knowledge. For example, you can use an archetypes list to get a better sense of what drives you, and what really makes you happy.After reading and listening to one of the greatest spiritual teachers of our time, Carolyn Myss, I began to learn about our Archetypes in the profound read, Sacred Contracts. Less than a year ago, I joined an immersion on Reclaiming Our Personal Power in Sedona, Arizona led by Carolyn. This was one of the most enriching weekend’s of my lifetime, where I had a great understanding of how our Archetypes play such a role in unlocking the key to our personality. According to Myss, we each have 12 archetypes. The archetypes are chosen from many ancient patterns that exist in human consciousness.I began to process on my archetypes and the discovery of which of my personality traits were hiding. This journey of exploration was exciting and eye opening for me awakening me to my archetypes.It’s important to mention that with archetypes we also have light and shadow attributes that manifest in our consciousness. When we can work on the shadow attributes, we can began to improve relationships with ourselves and others.With my exploration, I realized that as I was in devotion to building my coaching practice along with awakening onto my spiritual path, I began neglecting other parts of myself that were always important layers of my essence. One of which, was the Athlete Archetype that plays a great part in my being. Learning more about the Athlete Archetype, I was fascinated and in realization of how imperative it is for me to balance my time and energy with devotion to Athleticism holistically.


 The Athlete describes a person seeking to experience life through the power and stamina of the physical body. They are often called thrill-seekers, tomboys, outdoorsmen, and competitors. Characteristics of the athlete include taking great care of and pride in one's body, enjoying physical challenges, being super competitive and socializing with other athletes.The life journey of the athlete is to discover a sense of personal power and identity through developing the body. Mastering the body is the foundation of the self-esteem for the athlete. Not all those who fall into this category of archetypes become professional athletes, but their passion for physical fitness prevails throughout their entire life.The athlete represents the ultimate expression of the strength of the human spirit as represented in the power and magnificence of the human body. This archetype has endurance and perseverance that transcends not only in sports, but in all themes of life. An athlete has "grit" and can endure more difficult situations with strength and optimism. I grew up loving sports and athleticism. I'd hands down, choose swinging a bat over playing with Barbie dolls any chance I could,  and was a “tomboy” by nature. For the last two decades I’ve been a passionate long distance runner both competitively and not. Running is a place where I connect spiritually to my body and where I can get in touch emotionally. With practicing bringing myself to the present moment through my breathing, I experience higher states of consciousness and where I can access my creativity with an open heart and open mind. Running is also the vehicle that connects me to my life's purpose.In a calmer more relaxed state, I can push my body to further limits and appreciate the incredible capabilities of the human physical body. With many lessons I’ve endured with injuries, I’m devoting more time to strength training to support healthy and stronger performance in running. It’s a remarkable feeling to be running again with strength and vigor as I did when I was in my younger years.Now that I've established how important it is to keep the Athlete Archetype alive, I relate to it as a non-negotiable core value when prioritizing my schedule.

"Running may not be a religion but is a retreat, a place to commune with God and yourself, a place for psychological and spiritual renewal." Philosopher Dr. George Sheehan

If you are wanting to learn more on your archetypes; your patterns of power link here.        


Releasing Emotions and Energy through Movement


Self Acceptance, the Pathway to Self Love.